Let Me Be A Blessing
“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities.
If you believe it won’t you will see obstacles.”
Wayne Dyer
“If you can conceive something in your mind and believe it to be true, then you can achieve it.” Napoleon Hill
I have mentioned before how I used to make my living as a singer for hire – singing at weddings, bar mitzvahs, corporate parties, hot dog stand openings – you name it, and I would be there with my band ready to sing in any style that was needed. I remember towards the end of that phase of my life getting pretty depressed singing at these weddings, performing songs I didn’t really enjoy, and feeling like this was all that I would ever be…just a wedding singer.
But my life, or rather my consciousness, started to change when someone gave me a book by Wayne Dyer called “You’ll See It When You Believe It.” The idea that I could visualize what I wanted and believe it was here in my life before it actually showed up began to change the way I looked at everything. I started to visualize a new way of singing and performing where people were actually listening to my songs and I was fulfilled and happy. I made the decision that each wedding was part of my “music ministry” and it was a gift to be there.
Fast forward many years and now I make my living performing my own songs, facilitating retreats, and giving talks around the country. Everything that I visualized years ago has pretty much come to pass. Remembering my past made an event I had recently even more interesting.
I was asked to sing at a private party at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. I wasn’t given much information about the party, but it would be like going back in time to my old days of just being in the background singing. However, this time I did it differently: I prayed and visualized beforehand and saw the evening unfolding with easy parking (quite a steep order for a Saturday night in San Francisco), wonderful musicians to play with, and knowing that whoever the party was for, I would be the perfect person to sing for them.
Everything came to be just as I had visualized, complete with parking right in front of the hotel! It turned out that the party was for someone going through a celebration of healing from cancer, and the couple had heard some of my healing songs and even had some requests of my own songs. When I sang a special song just to them, I could barely make it through without getting choked up.
I believe when I asked Spirit years ago to show me where I am supposed to be, the right people, jobs and opportunities presented themselves to me by my being open and available. I love how Jean Houston said it: “My prayer is, let me be a blessing to someone or something today.” That has become my prayer and I feel so blessed every day.
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