Thank You

Well let me start by saying “thank you” to all of you reading this newsletter. When I first started out doing my own music and having people listen to it, and then realizing they were actually buying it, I was amazed and thrilled. “Really? You like my little song?” “My song made you feel something????” “You want to share this music with other friends who could use it? Really???!!” Now after 20 CDs, and many years of speaking and singing at New Thought centers around the country, I am feeling so blessed and grateful for all the support you have given me through all these years.
To quote Hilary Clinton who said, “It takes a village” – it certainly has taken that to make these CD’s – from my hubby John who writes and records with me (and is an amazing guitarist, bassist, and engineer), all the talented back-up singers (especially the best back-up vocal arranger, Annie Stocking) that have created the foundation for all of you to sing along with me. The musicians, photographers, graphics people (thank you Maye!), my friends and family who are a constant wellspring of support, and my beloved long time assistant Sue Faria, who handles so many details of my retreats, newsletters, emails, and my daily life, and is such a blessing to me.
Many years ago I was in a dark night of the soul where I couldn’t find my way out of the darkness and felt overwhelmed. Then one day at church I heard my friend, Rev. Mark Vierra, give a talk about gratitude and told us all to just focus on one small little bit of gratitude – something as simple as a great cup of coffee, the light on a flower, seeing a ladybug land on your hand. From that one small thing you can feel a slight shift in gratitude – and that is how transformation can begin. That story was the basis of writing my chant, “I Am So Blessed,” and has brought me back to that feeling of gratitude whenever I am off track.

So I thank each of you, and know that I am so blessed that we have made a connection. May your November be filled with gratitude, and have a blessed Thanksgiving.
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